Five Key Points to Keep in Mind While Attempting IBPS Clerk

Since Bankings exams provide a pathway for an illustrious career in the banking sector, millions of youngsters start preparing for them even before they graduate. IBPS Clerk is one of those prominent banking sector exams which attracts a lot of graduates every year and the following pointers will assist you in finding a better path on your quest to crack the exam.

Structure Of Examination: IBPS Clerk

Just as you must have a clear understanding of tracks in order to win the race, knowledge of the exam pattern is also like having a road map to qualify the exam. IBPS clerk exam basically comprises two fragments, both of which are conducted online.
Preliminarily Exam – is composed of three sections for which 60 minutes is being given to attempt all the questions. This section comprises a total of 100 MCQs (Multiple choice questions), divided into Reasoning Ability (35 MCQs) and Numerical Ability (35 MCQs) and English Language (30 MCQs).
Mains Exam – is made up of four portions and 190 objective type questions, with a stipulated time frame of 160 minutes. The question paper is distributed into Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude (60 MCQs), General/Financial Awareness (50 MCQs), Quantitative Aptitude (50 MCQs) and General English (40 MCQs).
Candidates are required to instate the minimum cut off within the specified time in every section as well as taking care of negative marking for each wrong answer.

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Courses to Study: IBPS Clerk

Every IBPS Clerk exam aspirant should be acquainted with the IBPS clerk syllabus so that he/she can bag a vacancy. Syllabus of the preliminary exam and main exam can be understood in detail as follows:
● English Language (For Pre & Mains): Reading Comprehension, One Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases, Grammar, Error Spotting, etc.
● Numerical Ability (For Pre & Mains): Permutation and Combination, Ratio and Proportion, Charts, Bars and Graphs, Time, Speed and Distance, etc.
● Reasoning Ability (For Pre & Mains): Blood Relations, Analogy, Assumptions and Statements, Coding and Decoding, Alphanumeric Series, etc.
● Computer Aptitude (For Mains): Basics of Hardware and Software, Microsoft Office, Internet and associated topics, Operating Systems, etc.
● General/Financial Awareness (For Mains): Political Science, Current World and India, India’s Financial and Banking System, Budget and Monetary Plans of the Government, etc.

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Preparation Tactics :IBPS Clerk

Preparing for such competitive examinations is like running a marathon. And certain tactics need to be implemented for different sections in order to ensure a smooth ride.
● When it comes to English Language/Verbal section, some topics such as antonyms/synonyms, one-word substitution etc. need to be attempted first and the secondary focus should be on lesser time-consuming topics such as jumbled paragraphs and sentence improvement etc.
● As you start to build basic concepts, you can easily fetch marks in topics like blood relations, Inequalities, coding-decoding etc, whereas some topics require deeper focus and close attention. However, such questions can also be solved at one go through regular practise.
● While struggling with Quantitative Aptitude, start with the most practised section, so that you can capitalise on your command of that particular topic.
● It is also important that you stay aware of the surroundings as the General Awareness section incorporates financial, banking and current affairs. Use of media, newspapers and books could be the best source of collecting data.
● The Computer Aptitude section requires basic knowledge of the mechanisms, applications and commands pertaining to computer systems, and is a fairly scoring section.

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Leverage the Power of Online Resources

Nowadays online or distance learning is spreading like wildfire. Usage of social media as an enlightening tool would enhance intelligence along with saving time. E-books, online classes, E-Learning portals and online repositories play an important part to keep you in touch with topics anywhere and anytime. Make sure to take advantage of the online learning wave and ease your preparation process.

Time dispensation & Practice

Time and speed are two major factors that can change the game. The magnitude of speed you use in extrication of problems will determine the amount of time you can save for other time-consuming sections. Time management requires a comprehensive timetable for yourself. Consistent practice of online tests will result in quick calculations and make you more comfortable in association with real exam feel.

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