​​Proof that Riding an Electric Scooter Saves you Money

Nowadays, with traffic as a major bottleneck in major cities, you, as a commuter, may be considering parking your car at home instead, and opt to buy or use an e-scooter for your daily commute. With the e-scooter’s compact size, lightweight, and easy maneuverability, it’s not at all surprising that more and more commuters are seriously deliberating about riding e-scooters. MEARTH S Pro electric scooters, in particular, are commuter electric scooters so designed as a convenient alternative to cars and public transportation. The reasons are obvious: it’s easier to ride, carry, and store. What’s more, commuter e-scooters are built for the right speed and range, making them the best mode of transport for daily use.

One major advantage of using e-scooters for adults is their cost-saving benefits. Studies found that commuters save substantial money yearly by riding electric scooters daily,  instead of driving cars.  Need more convincing? Read on to learn how you can actually save more by switching to e-scooters.

Lower upfront costs

The initial cost of buying a car is a major, major consideration, especially when you compare it to electric scooters. The bottom line leans in favor of the micro-mobile device. Canstar Blue’s recent survey stated that Aussies spend an average of $40,128 on new cars, adding that the average cost for sedans is $37,846, while SUVs cost an average of $41,697.

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Doing some pencil pushing,  commuter electric scooters in Australia can cost from $500 to $2,000 only. Premium and off-road electric scooters like the MEARTH GTS  and GTS MAX can cost around $1200 to $3000, and it’s as powerful as you would want them to be. Now, if you choose to buy a  premium e-scooter,  it is still more affordable than buying a car that needs fuel to run each time.

Another plus point to weigh in is that an entry-level commuter e-scooter like the MEARTH S or S PRO is priced around $500 to $800 and they already offer very good specs and reliability – that won’t let you down in the middle of the road.  Mulling over and thinking about buying an electric scooter for the first time? Buy according to your needs and get the best value for your money. Electric scooters are perfect for working adults and their families can definitely benefit from riding e-scooters as it’s a great way for family members to travel short distances.

Say goodbye to overpriced fuel costs

According to the Australian Automobile Association (AAA), the average two-car family spends an average of $3,500 a year on fuel costs alone.  When you ride an electric scooter, you reduce your fuel expenses and gain big savings on your transportation costs. Since electric scooters don’t have engines, there’s no need to ‘fill ’er up mate!’ in order for it run. Now, if you don’t have a car, buying an e-scooter will give you savings early on (just make sure it is a high-quality, top-performing original brand like Mearth) and avoid headaches on maintenance.

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You’re done with parking fees

Are you aware that Australia has the most expensive off-street parking in the world? The Parkopedia 2019 Global Parking Index reported that the average daily price of off-street parking in the country is USD29.71. This amount was a 6.6 percent increase from 2017. Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane ranked in the top 10.

Finding parking space is an unnecessary irritation for city car drivers, wherever you are in the world. It is good news indeed that electric scooters help eliminate the need for parking slots. The electric scooters for adults make things easy for the rider because of their compact size, lightweight, and foldable body. Stores easily too, under office tables, inside cabinets, or even large lockers.  So you see, that is one less of expense in the rider’s favor.

Low maintenance costs

If you live in a major city, your car and tire maintenance can probably shoot up to $29 weekly – and that could go over $1,500 on car maintenance costs in a year! Since electric scooters, like the MEARTH S PRO, contain fewer parts, it only  requires a whole lot less maintenance, as compared to owning a car or motorcycle. Sturdy, high-quality electric scooters like the RS PRO from MEARTH won’t break down easily and really lasts longer  — unless you don’t take good care of it, or ride it recklessly. The frequent maintenance needed on an adult e-scooter would be tire changes and it isn’t that expensive.

It the battery of the electric scooter gets damaged, the repair or maintenance may cost higher. The price is variable though, depending on the e-scooter model. The average cost ranges from $150 to $500 for a basic electric scooter model. MEARTH S battery may cost $369. Still, the total annual maintenance cost will still be a lot, lot cheaper than a car’s maintenance cost. Word of advice: only buy an original battery from a legitimate retailer that is compatible with the e-scooter you’re riding, to avoid untoward incidents that can endanger you.

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Minimal insurance cost.

As with any vehicle, you can still be prone to risks and accidents. Many insurance companies are starting to offer e-scooter insurance policies to support e-scooter riders. Breathe easy! The cost is not as much as car insurance.

Finally, are electric scooters worth the money you spend on them?

Unquestionably, without a doubt, absolutely yes. Considering an affordable upfront cost with minimal running costs, it ultimately boils down to the savings part. The bonus is that riding an electric scooter, if you compare it to riding a car or a motorcycle offers, offers more savings for the individual rider and that cascades the monetary benefit to the family.

Of course, as long as you take good care of your electric scooter, you will surely get the most out of it – the enjoyment of an unhampered ride,  freedom from traffic woes, zero spending on parking fees and fuel, feeling the airy breeze caressing your skin and the best part is that you get to benefit from a moderate exercise while riding.

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