Top 10+ Webtoon App for Bl boys love and Yaoi Fans in 2020

WebtoonManhwa has just launched a new category in the admin panel called BL Boys Love &Yaoi, in this article we will give you a market analysis of this globally popular entertainment genre and ways  helps comic creators generate revenue from Webtoon&Manhwa& Manga &Manhua.

The definition of ManhwaWebtoon

 When it comes to Manhwa, people often think of Korean manga or cartoons, but in fact, China and Japan also own their own versions of Manga.  Specifically, the Chinese version named Manhua and the Japanese version called Manga hentai, Doujins, Yaoi, hentai manga and both genres have a very separate way of conveying comic works to readers of the country of the country.  surname.

Manga accounts for more than 60% of the total number of magazines and books published in Japan.  And 40% of Japanese movies are Anime and hentai.  In Korea, WebtoonManhwa – an online comic platform became very popular because Korea is the country with the highest smartphone ownership and internet usage in the world.

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The digitization and world market value

Webtoon / Manhwa / Manga / Anime / Hentai is very easy to reach a global audience because we just need to change the layout of the story (layout) to be compatible with US and European readers and creative content.  Moreover, with these digitized contents, audiences can easily enjoy Webtoon, Manhwa, Manga with only electronic devices such as mobile phones, computers, etc.

All of these factors make the Manga a huge revenue stream.  For example, in 2019, the ManyComics Magazine’s Association of Publishers and Editors said the Manga market was worth about US $ 3.96 billion, of which the digital Free Manga Online market accounted for 44,  9% equivalent to US $ 1.77 billion.  This total estimate does not include advertising revenue, freemium apps or paid apps.  According to Manycomic’s report, in 2019, China’s Manhua market reached $ 26.09 billion), up 17% compared to 2017. The main driver of this revenue growth is nearly 220 million Manhua fans.  hentai online.

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Who are the readers of the BlWebtoon Manga?

Korean creativity when giving birth to the Bl Boys Love comic line, a story about gay boys who love each other.  While Bl manga in Japan is called Yaoi and in Western countries is primarily designed for children and teenagers, Free Manga, Manhua hentai, and Manhwa hentai are mostly well received by readers at  18-35 years old.  The content is often a mix of Western style with Bl Boys Love and Manga hentai.  Many sites allow amateurs and users to post content, most requiring stories written in English in order to attract a global audience.  If we carefully analyze Korea’s most popular online comic platform – WebtoonManhwa, we can see the genres of humor, drama, romance, fiction, action, historical, horror …  attractive to both male and female readers.

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This is the top 10+ webtoon app you can read boys love, bl manga and yaoi for free in 2020

 1 – NaverWebtoon                

 2 – Lezhin Com8cs

 3 – Tapas Entertainment

 4 –

 6 –

 7 –

 8 –

 9 –

 10 –

 11- Manytoon Comics




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